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Why women love the moon so much...


Why does almost every female have some sort of moon tattoo now days? Well it's not just some silly girl trend that will die down; maybe getting the moon tattooed will, but as far as ladies having mad love for the moon... NEVER. Understand both men and women are connected to the moon phases, women are just deeply rooted in them. See Ladies your cycle is between 28 to 34 days, the moons cycle is 28. Ideally a 28 day female cycle is perfect. Lets go into basic astrology; the moon controls the earth water. (i.e. the ocean, lakes, streams, your period)

So that means during the full moon and the new moon tides are at their highest. Low tides occur when the moon is in its first and fourth quarter. What does that have to do with the body you say? (I randomly speak Yoda at times!) Well we are all about 60% water, in women the moon has a extra pull on us because of the flow of blood monthly.

How it's supposed to be...

Before the unhealthy diets, over use of sex, not so good self care, and overall lack of knowledge for self; All women bled and ovulated at the same time, starting to cleanse/bleed 3 days before, or on the new moon. Just as the moon is becoming new you are also cleansing and making your womb essentially "New". The week after the new moon or after your cycle is week one, a time of restoration, complete love for self. Slowing things down to focus on self. The time to allow ones self to heal. Week two brings the waxing moon. This is when you get back into the swing of things. Get back into nature with new ideas and visions. The full moon brings about your ovulation, driving in sexuality to a high, in hopes of impregnating one self with power or an actual child. Set affirmations at this time. Just to make sure you are keeping tract, at this point consider yourself at high tide. In week four/ low tide; waning moon, you will need you rest. You have to relax to let go.Letting your body rest at this time is needed so you have the strength to shed( bleed). You deserve this rest for the amount of work it is putting in to cleanse you. Think about when you clean your whole house, you are tired. Right? It is a perfect time to reflect and accept change. Premenstrual days are what you compare week 4 to.

What's affecting you alignment...

1. Diet: Too much meat, dairy, refined sugar. Not enough live foods; fruits, veggie, dark leafy greens and natural probiotics like kombucha.

2. Not enough H2O: 60% water we are. Not drinking water = harboring toxins with in. Therefore you continuously replace the water in your body to stay healthy and clean. Make sure the water is filtered from heavy metals.

3. STI's or hygienic infections : unbalancing your Ph, blocking your root.

4. Medication: western medication can throw off hormones, Ph balances, kill good and bad bacteria.

Birth control: chemically forcing your cycle off its natural rhythm.

5. Lack of self love: Bashing and hating your natural self and the process that you are blessed with as a WOMBman!

6. Lack of knowledge: Not knowing, caring or keeping tract of your cycles. Knowledge is power.

Please take this information and put it to use for the betterment of yourself and every women on this earth, I do this out of love for all. Learn something and pass it on to your Earth sisters.

Safari Waters

Peace Love Light Life


**Disclaimer: I am not a astrologist, OBGYN, or Dr. of any type. this is my opinion/ tested theory. **

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